There's some good news and some bad news.
Tails: It's Midwest-cold out here; uncharacteristically and seasonably BRICKass cold.
Heads: "A Love Supreme" is a winter record.
Tails: I have a pressing and unwieldy to-do list.
Heads: I've learned by now to simplify that shit into actionable items.
Actionable Items. And to prioritize them to a degree. My priority, upon getting back from the gym, was first to scribble out my rent check and slip under my landlady's mailbox-- simple, actionable. Done. And second, to play with Masha. For a long time too, with the feather-toy. These are the most pressing items. I am filled with such an intense love for and from my kitten lately, it's kind of terrifying.
Heads: I've been playing feather-toy through full volumeblasting I. Acknowledgment, II. Resolution, and 8 minutes of III. Pursuance, until just now when--
Tails: Fckn landlady just called to turn down the music so
Heads: After an at-unsneezable 23 minutes I had to stop, which allowed me to continue onto item 3 of my list, which is Writing this Blog Entry.
What can I tell you, Dear Diary, you incorrigible Loudmouth?
The world spins me around as it has and will ever.
My heart is a stone as it has always been and ever will be.
Somehow I've gotten this gig translating this diary... I think I mentioned it. I'm the only person who has possession and understanding of the original documents, no one has in months, bakers dozen or more, been able to decipher this thing, professionals notwithstanding-- professionals being, in fact, really all's who've given it a crack... I'm finding myself extremely competent for some reason, devising and insisting on a method, additional resources-- downright finicky demands, these-- and setting a schedule, and just generally acting like I know what I'm doing. Like, I'm pulling this shit out of my ass, to be frank. But I'm not really. I mean it works, it's working, I'm tearing through it, and like, I'm asking for things scanned and printed a very particular way because it works best. I'm asking for all relevant names, places, technologies, because those are potential tripper-ups, illegible mountain ranges, EEG readouts, nonsense and when one is writing for themselves, it's all names and pseudonyms and code it's all code it's psychology really it's fucking INTUITION that's all it is don't harangue on something you can't read just keep going, go with your impulse, get to know the person and it'll be a breeze............
I don't know, it's working, I really didn't think I'd manage, when presented with the first sheet of the document for perusal, I felt like something of an ass for saying so cavalierly "Oh, I can do that easily, I speak both those languages, no problem," upon overhearing the documentarians' dilemma-- it was chicken scratch-- and I wondered when I'd have to gracefully regretfully bow out-- but, as it so happens, I don't have to do that and here I am, a being already nonlinear and temporally irrespect, now peeking out of the dark, heavy-lidded, twinkling (or so photos inform) eyes of an inventor, Russian-born immigrant living in Switzerland in the 1920s just as the world is about to go kooky, passing weeks in a day, in a day as I've set my deadlines at an entry per-- and that is not all I have to say Dear D, but that is all I'll say right now.