Wednesday, November 23, 2011

nothing squared

well today im just plain spaced out
spacing out all over the place
whatta bore
traffic court
officer sepulveda is funny and cute
we're now pals
and i have to come back for a third time
thats what they do, if you have it in you to just keep coming back to the goddamn place and wasting an entire day you'll probably get it dismissed... but you might not... it just depends on whether the cop shows up.  if he does, it doesnt matter if the ticket was BS or not, you're fucked and have to be the exorbitant fucking fine.  ugh. 

laundry- i did it.  was a pain in my fucking ass. 

thats it, really.

1 comment:

  1. Better than my day, Twin B gets fired from his volunteer job, the girl I have been seeing is still addicted to Heroin...and the holidays are coming, joy to the world.
